Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Attitudes toward the role of women from a religious standpoint Research Paper

The Attitudes toward the role of women from a religious standpoint - Research Paper Example This alludes to the fact that women in Buddhist Asia were, from quite early on, treated much better than their counterparts in other parts of Asia. Most observations on Buddhist women in the late 19th and early 20th century are made by Europeans who found themselves in Asia around this period. The most remarkable feature about Buddhist women to these early writers was their privilege. Sir Charles Bell a British Political Representative in Tibet, Bhutan and Sikkim, wrote in 1928 that travelling to Tibet from India and China presents the visitor with an impression that Tibetan women are not kept in isolation as their Indian counterparts. In fact, the Tibetan women mingle with the opposite sex and are consequently at ease with men (Dewaraja 4). The most important thing to note is that the statement women in the world is a reference to European women at that time in history. These women are still struggling to walk shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. In Buddhism, subordination of women is given a religious sanction. According to the Law of Karma, one’s actions in the past will determine one’s position of wealth, power, talent and even sex in future births. One is reborn a woman because of one’s bad Karma. Because of such religious laws, attitudes towards women are not easily changed. Today women in Buddhism much like their predecessors 100 years ago struggle with such challenges. At the forefront of this campaign is Sakyadhita or daughters of Buddha. This is a global network of Buddhist women aimed at improving their status through conferences, dinners and discussion groups. At the turn of the 20th century, the attitude towards the role of women in Christianity was much like that in Buddhism as observed by European Asian settlers. However, women in Christianity during this period were associated with education.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ian Lemke - Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free

Ian Lemke Compare and Contrast Essay Compare Contrast In 1848, Cady Stanton gave her Declaration of Sentiments, pleading for the right to vote and fair treatment to be given to women, which was promised already in 1776. While the country was still young, John Adams wite, Abigail wrote him a letter requesting the rights of women be Included In the document he was having written. This was the Declaration of Independence. 30th of these selections have a common goal: they are being written with the purpose to gain women more rights. Even though they were written with the same purpose in mind, they are very different. The mood and layout of the articles are completely different, not to mention they had completely separate audiences Despite the obvious differences, they both hit home with their intended audiences. Abigail wrote her letter tor her husband alone. Him being a delegate to the First conunental congress, she had hopes In mind that she could give women the rights they deserve, that she could raise the status of women by leaving an impact on the founding document of the country. Using threats of rebellion, she asked him to Remember the ladies, and be more generous and avorable to them than your ancestors. Stanton, author of the Declaration of Sentiments, wanted to influence the opinions and gain support among the public as well as the leading government officials. Not solely expecting to win the tight tor equality, she had hoped she would make enough of an Impact that people would hear her voice and fight for a change in political structure. She fought for a change in the legal status of women. Using powerful statements like Women are civilly dead, as theyre denied voting privileges, and that marriage deprives women of their ndependence, she got a lot of attention and support from all sorts of places. ntortunately, despite their pleads being heard by the nation, it wasnt enough. Theres a big difference between being heard and making a difference, which they regrettably found out. They tried their best, and clearly left their mark on history but It took another 72 years before women were given their basic rights and freedoms. The saddest part is theres still prejudice everywhere you go , all we can do is keep fighting for a positive change and hope it comes soon!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Brain Drain Essay -- essays papers

Brain Drain One of the major concerns of today's companies is the shortage of labor, especially in management. The baby boomers are nearing retirement age in the United States and the birth rate is dropping. These circumstances, coupled with the booming economy are the main causes of the labor shortage. There is a high demand for labor but the once seemingly bottomless pool of employees and managers that companies drew from has started to dry up. What are the factors that contributed to the problem and how are today's corporations going to handle this problem? The type of labor needed in today's society has been undergoing a constant change. There is an increase in demand for workers but there is a much greater demand for educated white-collar workers, especially management material. Projections state that the growth in managerial positions will increase 20% by the year 2010 yet the population aged 35-50 will decrease nearly 10%. What these figures say is the already diminishing supply of executives is going to dwindle even more over the next 10 years. There is a shortage of blue-collar workers now and there will also be an even greater shortage of them in the future. In order for employers to find people who are willing to perform unskilled, repetitive jobs they are going to have to be willing to raise the level of compensation offered to employees. If McDonalds needs someone to flip hamburgers they better be prepared to pay double to triple minimum wage. There are a wide variety of employment opportunities and today's workforce can afford to be selective when choosing a job. The demand for employees is high while the supply is low. The figures on the change in average population ages and growth in industrialized nations is beginning to make the corporate world stand up and take notice. If the trends continue as they have been for the past thirty years, the shortage of labor is going to continually get worse with each year that passes. The predictions from the United States Census Bureau state that between 1990 and 2000 the increase of the American population over 60 will be 10.5% but in 2010 to 2020, the increase will be 32.5%. The change in the 60 plus population in the United States is projected to nearly triple in thirty years. Compare these figures to the increase in under sixty-year-old population. From 1990 to 2000, t... ... the economic obstacles caused by an aging workforce. The companies of today are aware of the constantly growing problem and are working towards a solution. I think that they are moving in the right direction. Offering flexibility in what was once a very rigid structured hierarchy is certainly a step in the right direction. People in today's world lead very different lives than they did 4o years ago. A rewarding profession is not exclusively defined by the income generated anymore, rewarding can also mean personally rewarding. A good employee doesn't necessarily work 40 hours each and every week, some work part time or are involved in a job-sharing program. In order to keep the workforce meeting the needs of the economy, the employer must continue to become more flexible and remain open to suggestions. Today's companies are on the right track. I believe that with proper management and forward thinking, we will be able to cope with the ever-increasing shortage of labor. Bibliography: Center for Strategic and International Studies Newsweek magazine Business Week magazine The Economist magazine St Petersburg Times Newspaper The United States Census Bureau

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Guilt in Crime and Punishment Essay

â€Å"If he has a conscience he will suffer for his mistake. That will be punishment-as well as the prison. † (Dostoyevsky 336). Guilt is commonly understood to be an emotion that results as an outcome of an evil act. However, is it always this simple? No human being with any sense has the ability to commit an atrocious crime without some feeling of guilt or remorse afterwards. Gradually, this guilt festers and eats away at one’s conscience until the point of escape, reached by confession, thus leading to salvation. Throughout Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment the main character, Raskolnikov is stricken with guilt and suffering that eventually leads to his confession and redemption. In today’s modern America, and Raskolnikov’s 18th century Russia, guilt plays a pivotal role in transforming an individual’s moral compass and influences ones actions. In the opening of the novel, Raskolnikov intellectualizes the crime by convincing himself that there are people in his world who are extraordinary, and that he is above the law by being one. He believes he is one of the elite, who will be able to commit the murder and escape both physical and emotional punishment. Rodia believes that the murder can be justified because of the fact that Allionia is wicked, and purposeless. Raskolnikov does not feel guilt in the crime until he realizes that no good had come from the murder, and Lizoveta who was an innocent person, had died as well as Allionia, making Rodia feel dreadful for his actions. Guilt has had, and always will have a variety of influences on people, and in Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov physically shows remorse in different situations. Raskolnikov is constantly paranoid and anxious which demonstrates his extreme shame, without him having to actually confess his guilt. For example, Raskolnikov â€Å"†¦was aware of a terrible disorder within himself. He was afraid he could not keep himself under control. † (Dostoyevsky 91). As readers, we see his shame progress from before the murder, to when he bottles it all up to the point of explosion. Some would say that Sonia, not guilt, is the main contributor to Raskolnikov’s confession, but she is actually the instrument that cured his guilt. Sonia was the main vehicle of good in society, so her influence upon Raskolnikov was what society would have preferred Rodia to do; to confess. Sonia did urge Raskolnikov to come clean, for instance, at the end of the book Sonia told Rodia â€Å"Go to the crossroads, bow down to the people, kiss the earth because you have sinned against it, too, and say aloud to the whole world ‘I am a murderer! ‘ Then God will send you life again. † (Dostoyevsky 500). Although Sonia did advise him to profess his sins, Raskolnikov’s confession comes from his inner yearning to get rid of the shame he is feeling inside.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Boys Don’t Cry Analysis Essay

Boys Don’t Cry Analysis Brandon was deffinately a very confused person, but yet seemed to have everything under control most of the time. This is the only reason that she was ever eve able to trick everyone into thinking she was a he. Brandon was able to apply most of the male social norms to her every day life, for example: Drinking and driving, neither of the women were asked to drive after they had been drinking, it was the least drunk male that drove them all, and that illegal social norm is usually attributed to males only. Brandon committed many deviant acts through out the movie, some illegal, and others just kind of weird. An illegal deviant act was her stealing cars, a non illegal deviant act was her trying to drink like a real man, when there was no doubt in her mind that she would be able to. Because deviance refers to socially disapproved behavior, which is basically what Brandon did through out the movie. The normative view of sexuality is one of scorn and hatred; Tom and Jon had normative views of sexuality. They did not understand it, therefore they did not like it, and it’s as easy as that. While on the other hand the reactivate view of sexuality has a much more broad and opened mine about the subject. Lana was a reactivate when it came to sexuality, she understood what Brandon was feeling for her, and no matter what the consequences were, and she would live with them. The normative view of sexuality is definitely the perspective that best applies to sexual identity. That is really kind of what sexual identity is any way, how you as a human want to look, feel, and act. The medicalization of deviance in this movie ran ramped; almost everyone had some sort of problem that could be considered an illness. With Tom, Jon, Lena, and her mom, it was drugs and alcohol. For Brandon, it was her sexual identity problem, she just did not comprehend that she was a female, and has to live with it. Medicalization of deviance, and conflict theory go hand in hand, because all medical model does is create conflict, right? It is just like our justice system out there, the number of poor people getting arrested in the United States out numbers the more wealthy and respected by three times. Should that be telling us something about how we are running this country. That is the same reason for all of the characters in the  movie; they drink, swear, steal, and lie, basically because that is the way that they like to live in the lower classes of society. I would have to say that what Brandon has is not a result of bad parenting, but rather a medical deviance problem. I am sure that Brandon’s upbringings were not great by any means, but it did not turn Brandon into what she had become. So basically what I believe is that, yes parents do need to show their children both rewards and punishment, but in moderation, but neither of those will help that much when it is as bad as Brandon’s case There were many examples of Brandon conforming to male roles through out the movie; some were pulled off better than others. One that she did pull off quite well was her ability to sexually please a woman with out her knowing that Brandon actually had no penis. Another male role she played well was her ability to slip little messages in to conversations or situations that would back up her manliness. Like getting in a fight at the bar, or waiting at the door until the girl had gotten in to make sure she was ok, or the suggestion of Brandon having a baby of her own, but while still keeping the masculinity in the subject. One of the hardest challenges that Brandon faced was riding the truck; she took a tremendous beating for a woman and shook it off like a man would do. When you know she hurt much worse than she showed, because that would not be very manly to show your pain. So in conclusion I would have to say that any woman that could pull off being a man for that long with out even her closest friends knowing about it for that long of a time period is a very strong willed person, and maybe deserves to live as a man, or what ever she wishes to be.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Evaluate psychographic segmentation as a basis for effective marketing in the UK car industry Essays

Evaluate psychographic segmentation as a basis for effective marketing in the UK car industry Essays Evaluate psychographic segmentation as a basis for effective marketing in the UK car industry Paper Evaluate psychographic segmentation as a basis for effective marketing in the UK car industry Paper Essay Topic: Marketing Analyzing the market involves determining how strong the market is and in what ways it is changing. Segmentation involves breaking apart a large market into smaller groups which share certain characteristics and behaviours. The third stage is selecting target market(s) and matching the 4Ps of the marketing mix (price, product, place and promotion) to the need of the selected segment(s) and, finally, positioning the product being market, whether it is a car, food, or clothing, in the minds of the consumers. If the above marketing process is carried out successfully, then we have effective marketing. This essay will focus on the second stage of the marketing process, segmentation. The essay will begin to discuss the importance of market segmentation and the bases used to segment target markets. Overall, the essay will evaluate Psychgraphic Segmentation as a basis for effective marketing in the UK car industry and the benefits and the limitations of psychographics will be viewed. In addition, use of other segmentation techniques will also be discussed to show where they are predominantly used or where they are used in conjunction with psychographics. Main body For marketing to be effective, a competitive advantage must be gained. This is accomplished through successful segmentation in order to enable markets to have a variety of product needs and preferences and to allow customer needs to be better defined. Psychographic segmentation is one type of segmentation technique which we will concentrate on. This type of segmentation divides the market into different groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality. This way of segmenting is an interesting way since it gets into how people think in terms of the activities, interests and opinions (AIO) of the people. Thus, by knowing the psychographics of ones customers enables industries to create the correct advertising message. The following table shows some examples of AIO of the people. Psychographics are used in practice in the marketing of cars. One of the variables of psychographics mentioned above which marketers look at is social class. Cars for upper social classes and for lower social classes will be different. It is more likely for example for BMWs to be targeted at lawyers rather than electricians. The Phaeton is the new Volkswagen luxury car which is being targeted at wealthy buyers. This type of car for example along with other such as Audi, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini would only be targeted at those with a high paying job. Jaguar cars are examples of cars which are targeted by Ford at rich gay markets. This type of market is attracted to Jaguars since they have no children and their income is highly disposable. Luxury cars such as those mentioned would not attract non wealthy consumers. Buyers who cannot afford to spend money on cars would simply want any car to get them from one place to another and they wouldnt care about the style of the car. Ford caters for different social stratas. For example its Ka model may appeal most to the younger generation who dont have any family commit to. The Fiesta is aimed at first time drivers who are looking for a cheap car. The Galaxy model is ideal for families as its a people carrier car. Large families will obviously not go and buy a Ka or Fiesta they would buy a larger car such as the Galaxy. The 1. 7 TD Vauxhall Astras are practical family cars so they too would be aimed at consumers with families. The Astra 1. 7 TD is a fast car and can go along way without having to stop for fuel still making it an ideal family car for long drive trips and vacations. As can be seen, markets can be segmented so as to target products according to what the consumers opinion, interests and activities are. A further example of a car targeted at consumer interests is the Ford Puma. This sporty stylish car attracts and satisfies consumers who are into sport. Other segmentation techniques which are used in marketing include geographic demographic and behavioural segmentation. Geographic segmentation divides the market into different geographic units such as nations, countries, regions, cities, demographic into groups based on age, gender and income and behavioural based on occasions, benefit sought, user status, user rate and loyalty status. Demographic segmentation is used by car industries to target consumers. For example, luxury cars such as BMWs and Feraris will be targeted at those people who earn a high income. Also, different cars are targeted at different genders. For example, the Minis are more likely to be targeted at females rather then at males since it is a more feminine car. The stage in peoples life cycle affects marketing. More expensive cars could be targeted at newly married couples since they are more likely to spend money on cars. Occupation is another variable of demographics. People will tend to but cars suitable for their occupation. Geographic segmentation is also used for segmenting the car industry. A four wheel drive car for example is more likely to appeal to and attract consumers living in the country or near the mountains. Both geographic and demographic variables are relatively easy to measure and to get access to however they are not very successful. Why? Well lets take an example. Latino people are all different, listen to different music, eat at different restaurants, and drive different cars. An Asian male who lives in Los Angeles, will probably not like 80% of the same things as another Asian male in Los Angeles but might be an 85% match with a woman who lives in Britain. Relating this to cars, one of the men might like Honda cars like the woman in Britain however the other man might not. The example just described shows that demographics are poor indications of buying habits since they dont show what motivates the customers to purchase the product. Behavioural variables also lack showing what motivates people. They are observable however difficult to like to individuals. Due to the limitations of behavioral variables and demographics, companies have turned more to and are starting to analyze psychographics more. Psychographics allow us to more clearly understand consumers lifestyles and characteristics and give us more complete pictures of individuals thus making it easier to understand how to market products to them. Consumers behave unpredictably. Heath (1996) says that consumers demonstrate loyalties to brands (or not), blindly follow trends (or not), and buy according to their convictions and aspirations (or not). Individuals are innovators in some product categories, but not in others. What they say they do and what they really do are seldom the same (Heath, 1996). She also states that Psychographics help to clarify the behaviours which consumers exhibit. Another benefit to psychographics is that they minimize risks (Weinstein, 1994). Porsche is an example which uses psychographics. Using Demographics, Porshe targeted a homogenous group of male college graduates earning over i 100,000 per year and sold cars costing between i 20 and i 41 thousand to them however it turned out that the wrong people were being marketed. Porshe turned to using psychographics and segmented its market into groups according to the consumers characteristics as shown below: Top Guns: Driven, ambitious. Power and control matter. Want to be noticed. Elitists: Old money. A car is just a car, no matter how expensive. Proud: Ownership an end in itself earned by hard work, no need to be noticed. Bon Vivants: Worldly jet setters and thrill seekers. Car heightens the excitement in their already passionate lives Fantasists: Their car is an escape, uninterested in impressing others, may feel a little guilty about owning a Porsche. Taylor, 1995). By targeting the above different segments, Porshes sales increased. The new 911 Turbo is both fast and exciting and would target consumers who care about their ego. These consumers would probably go for colourful cars in order to attract attention. Apart from the benefits which psychographics possess, there are a number of limitations. Psychographics are not easy to measure and are not normally available from other resources. Researching for psychographics is often confusing and complex and according to Weinstein (1994), it can be very costly. Critics also claim that the categories psychographic research places consumers in overlaps so much that it does not differentiate among consumers1. Gunter (1992) also states that psychographic research can be lengthy and narrow, or unable to be projected onto an entire population. Despite these limitations, psychographics have been used as mentioned above in the examples. What has been found to be an even greater success for understanding consumer behaviour and achieving effective marketing is using psychographics in conjunction with demographics. Income, a demographic variable, plays a very important role in marketing segmentation since it has a great effect on and can change peoples lifestyles. The more money a consumer has the more luxurious his car would be. Gender and sex are two further demographic variables which are used in conjunction with psychographics. The Alpha Spider car used both demographics and psychographics to segment and target consumers. This car attracts buyers who like fast sporty and stylish cars which they can show off and impress others since it posses those features. At the same time, the Alpha Spider would target people with high incomes since only they would be able to afford such a car. This car is also more likely to target men rather than women. Women are more likely to go for more practical cars and features such as the speed of a car wouldnt matter so much to them however, this is not always true. There are some women out there who do like such cars. This last example shows that psychographics and demographics work effectively when used in conjunction with one another.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Jay Gatsby

Jay Gatsby Amman Mahmood 12Jay Gatsby: A Hero like no otherThe definition of the word "hero" has changed throughout the ages. A hero is someone who is recognized for his or her outstanding abilities and who helps people who are in need. A hero is courageous, strong-willed and strong-hearted. A hero is often the main character of the story. Our idea of the word "hero" has indeed changed, but everyone has his or her own perception of who a hero really is. Jay Gatsby who is one of the main characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby is the hero but a dreadful one. When asked about whom a hero really is people tend to have different views. Jay Gatsby has some qualities that question if he really is the hero of the story but again he has some qualities that make him a true hero. Again everyone's definition of hero might be different.The Great Gatsby (1926 film)Ever since Jay Gatsby was a little kid he idolized his mentor Dan Cody an eccentric billionaire. Jay wanted to be all the things that Dan was. He was willing to do anything and rise above anyone to get those things. His road to success had a few bumps on them but he didn't regret it. Those bumps made Gatsby who he was and he wouldn't change a thing. Jay Gatsby was many things but he was not a two faced hero. Gatsby was a bootlegger and he was corrupt. He used to throw lavish parties for his one true love Daisy. Even though Gatsby knew these things were not right he still did it because of love. Everything he did he did for love. He built himself to a person who Daisy would love and gladly accept. He wanted to be the man...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Sermons

Definition and Examples of Sermons A sermon is a form of public discourse on a religious or moral subject, usually delivered as part of a church service by a pastor or priest.  It comes from the Latin word for discourse and conversation. Examples and Observations For many centuries, from the early Middle Ages onward, sermons reached a far larger audience than any other type of non-ritualistic discourse, whether oral or written. They are entirely in the oral tradition, of course, with the sermonist as the speaker and the congregation as the hearers, and with a live relation between the two. The sermon gains in potential effect because of the hallowed nature of the occasion and the religious nature of the message. Moreover, the speaker is a figure endowed with special authority and set apart from the willing hearers who are listening.(James Thorpe, The Sense of Style: Reading English Prose. Archon, 1987)I have been rather reluctant to have a volume of sermons printed. My misgivings have grown out of the fact that a sermon is not an essay to be read but a discourse to be heard. It should be a convincing appeal to a listening congregation.(Martin Luther King, Jr. Preface to Strength to Love. Harper Row, 1963)The various means through which heare rs are gratified implies, of course, that a sermon may answer to very different needs. . . . In a sense, these motives for audience attendance correspond with the threefold aim of classical rhetoric: docere, to teach or persuade the intellect; delectare, to delight the mind; and movere, to touch the emotions.(Joris van Eijnatten, Getting the Message: Toward a Cultural History of the Sermon. Preaching, Sermon and Cultural Change in the Long Eighteenth Century, ed. by J. van Eijnatten. Brill, 2009) St. Augustine on the rhetoric of the sermon:After all, the universal task of eloquence, in whichever of these three styles, is to speak in a way that is geared to persuasion. The aim, what you intend, is to persuade by speaking. In any of these three styles, indeed, the eloquent man speaks in a way that is geared to persuasion, but if he doesn’t actually persuade, he doesn’t achieve the aim of eloquence.(St. Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, 427, trans. by Edmund Hill)It was perhaps inevitable that Augustines opinion would have a strong influence on the future development of rhetoric . . .. Moreover, the De doctrina provides one of the few basic statements of a Christian homiletic prior to the emergence of the highly formalized thematic or university style of sermon about the beginning of the 13th century.(James Jerome Murphy, Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: A History of Rhetorical Theory From Saint Augustine to the Renaissance. Univ. of California Press, 1974)Excerpt fro m the most famous American sermon:There is no want of power in God to cast wicked men into hell at any moment. Mens hands cant be strong when God rises up: the strongest have no power to resist him, nor can any deliver out of his hands.He is not only able to cast wicked men into hell, but he can most easily do it. Sometimes an earthly prince meets with a great deal of difficulty to subdue a rebel that has found means to fortify himself and has made himself strong by the number of his followers. But it is not so with God. There is no fortress that is any defence against the power of God. Though hand join in hand, and vast multitudes of Gods enemies combine and associate themselves, they are easily broken in pieces: they are as great heaps of light chaff before the whirlwind, or large quantities of dry stubble before devouring flames. We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm that we see crawling on the earth; so tis easy for us to cut or singe a slender thread that any thing hangs by; thus easy is it for God, when he pleases, to cast his enemies down to hell. What are we, that we should think to stand before him, at whose rebuke the earth trembles, and before whom the rocks are thrown down!(Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, delivered at Enfield, Connecticut on July 8, 1741)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Design an ethics program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Design an ethics program - Essay Example There are many forms of business ethics such as the philosophy of the business. By this we mean that if the sole purpose of the firm is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders then they will not consider the interest of anyone else. Then there is the concept of corporate social responsibility which considers the rights of company and the society as a whole. Then there are ethical issues pertaining to the intra industry competition, corporate governance and the misuse of the ethics for one's own benefits. In order to overcome such ethical issues companies focus more these days towards the formation of their ethical program in the organization. They are diverted towards promoting non social values by addressing such issues on their company websites under headings such as social responsibility charters and the codes of social conduct and so on. There are mainly three ways in which the company can make this ethical program. One such business is ABC manufacturer of cereals offering products for children and family. The company also sells frozen waffles and pancakes. It is very important for them to generate an ethics program as over the years it has been seen that businesses and governments have to confront public, political and legal reactions in cases of misconduct. Compliance with the company's policies, regulations and procedures is an effective tool for the smooth functioning of the organization as well as its reputation of the business. Customers also perceive you positively. Successful organizations particularly lay special emphasis on it due to its benefits. It reduces widespread risk. It is sign of good corporate governance; it will facilitate the company in achieving its goals and long term prosperity. It will promote the values of the organization and help it in maintain its ethical health (Fraedrich & Farrell, 2008-09). There are mainly three ways in which ABC can make this ethical program. ABC can form specific rules and guidelines in order to regulate their standards for example a written code of conduct or it can form a statement which comprises of the missions and values of the business. Then there are some firms that apply corporate philosophy such as Hewlett Packard did, they defined it as HP's way of doing business. Like Hewlett many business organizations use this approach. Research has shown that there are a lot of benefits of such a program such as the prevention of misconduct, this will save the monetary losses and also gain customer trust. The business will be adaptive to organizational change. By implementing the rules they can come up with various other ways of mergers, acquisitions and adapting new technology. Prevent them from getting fines of billions of dollars and penalties which can be very costly. It will help boost the relationship with the stakeholders. Stakeholders are all the groups related to the business that have some form of interest in the business. The company will be able to get away with the corporate scandals if they have a defined compliance and ethics program. Moreover external auditors go through the compliance culture of the company while performing the audit of the company. They have their own

Making Government Intervention Work for Leadership Research Paper

Making Government Intervention Work for Leadership - Research Paper Example Whereas, it not possible for the government to undertake various risks and investments alone, through leveraging excessive bureaucracy rule and other policies it helps the leaders to undertake and implement change initiatives, by taking technological advancement benefit, innovativeness and risk bearing capacity and adequate capital gaining ability., This will improvise the students and institutional outcomes, by increasing recognition so as to provide the best possible education to the learners. In the present education system, it has become a general trend for the local, state, and federal government to get involved in the higher education institutions that in turn has disrupted the process of implementing change policies. The education system is one of the crucial aspects for developing the economy of a country. The governments are responsible in order to ensure that the citizens are protected with the implementation of stringent education polices. In order to satisfy this role of the government, various responsible agencies are emphasizing the enactment of effective policies to protect the citizens. In the present scenario, the education system is funded mostly by the government and is virtually governed through governmental or by non-profit organization. Contextually, local, state and federal government have less emphasis over the operations of higher education. Nevertheless, when they interfere, a large impact is imposed in the education system for the overall effectiveness. Education is one of the most important aspects for overall development and this is the reason for which government is setting its main priority over it (American Council on Education, 2014). The paper intends to address the in volvement of local, state, and federal government in higher education institutions, which distract leaders from accomplishing their intended goals. Further the discussion will be made about how government

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Commitment to Organizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Commitment to Organizations - Research Paper Example Most researchers seem to emphasize the need for high employee commitment to the organization in order for organizational success to be secured. It has been also revealed that most organizations demand from their employees to be committed to the organization’s needs without giving a commitment in return. The lack of resources for providing such support seems to be the most common reason for the above phenomenon. Even under these terms, organizations could not justify their decision not to be committed to their employees, especially when they demand by their employees to be committed to the organization’s needs. 2. Commitment to organizations – characteristics and role 2.1 Description of commitment The identification of the role of commitment within modern organizations requires the understanding of the context of commitment, i.e. of its elements and characteristics, as developed in organizations of different sectors. Harper (2008) noted that organizational commitm ent could be described as ‘the commitment to an action that is consistent with the stated goals of the organization’ (Harper 2008, p.7). According to this view, the organizational commitment needs to meet a key criterion, meaning the promotion of the goals of the organization. Supporting organizational initiatives (plans or actions) which are not linked to the organization’s goals, cannot be characterized as a commitment but rather as support to the personal interests and aims of specific members of the organization. Mowday, Porter and Steers (1982) noted that ‘commitment is the relative strength of an individual’s identification with and involvement in a particular organization’ (Mowday, Porter and Steers 1982, cited by Allen and Wilburn, 2002, p.24). From a different point of view, Artley (2008) notes that commitment cannot be considered as equal to loyalty. Of course, those employees who are committed to their organization are also consider ed as being loyal to the particular organization, but not the vice versa. This view is aligned with that of Becker (1960), one of the first researchers who studied organizational commitment. According to Becker (1960), organizational commitment ‘is based on consistent behavior’ (Becker 1960, cited by Artley 2008, p.9), i.e. the behavior of employees that are aligned with organizational goals. Organizational commitment, in the above context, is not developed randomly; rather, employees become committed to the organization after linking their personal interests (such as pension plans or other benefits) with specific organizational activities (Becker 1960, p.32, cited by Artley 2008, p.10). From this point of view, organizational commitment is a mutual exchange, an issue that is discussed further in section 2.3 below. At the same time, Downs and Allyson (2004) note that organizational commitment is not depended on informal communication, as one could possibly expect.

Describe US subprime market and analyze the impact the crisis base on Essay

Describe US subprime market and analyze the impact the crisis base on one macroeconomic - Essay Example Banks than through their internal as well external credit scores or ratings decide to whom they should provide the credit. These criteria of credit rating often are designed to be tough since Banks in order to avoid defaults, tighten their criteria to extend the credit to these customers. However, due to increasing needs of those customers, whose credit history or their credit ratings do not fall under the criteria laid down by the banks, banks try to accommodate them also. Sub-prime lending is the part of that phenomenon. â€Å"Sub-Prime lending typically has been characterized as lending at relatively costly interest rates and fees to credit impaired or otherwise high risk borrowers.† (Lax, Manti, Raca, & Zorn, 2004). Subprime loans are among the newly popular mortgage products, such as interest-only loans, for people with strained budgets, including first-time buyers. Homeowners increasingly use them to refinance and consolidate household debts when their credit scores fall in the wake of bankruptcy, high medical bills, or other setbacks. (Blanton, 2005). It is generally believed that the subprime borrowers emerge due to lack of the good credit history on their back and since there number grew historically therefore banks and financial institutions by spotting the opportunity started lending to them at higher interest rates due to the perceived risks involved in these subprime loans. Not only these subprime borrowers pay higher interest rates but they also pay higher upfront fees also at the time of booking their loans. Due to this profitable alterative, financial institutions take the risk and lend to those customers who would otherwise can not qualify for obtaining loans from the banking channels in the ordinary course of the business. In nutshell, we can say that subprime lending is lending to those who do not deserve it. Most of the subprime lending is made into the mortgages market of the Banks. Studies suggest that So-called

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Opinion for a case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Opinion for a case - Essay Example The City of Ontario received 22 pagers from Arch Wireless in late 2001 and 2002. The method by which the text message are sent are as follows: the text message leaves the originating pager through a radio frequency transmission, which is then received by any one of many receiving stations, owned by Arch Wireless. The message is then entered into the Arch Wireless computer network by wire transmission or satellite. Once the message is in the Arch Wireless computer network, it is then relayed to the Arch Wireless computer server, where it is archived and stored for up to 72 hours, until the receiving pager can receive the text message. Once the message is archived and delivered in an Arch Wireless service area, the recipient pager is ready to receive delivery, at which point the Arch Wireless server retrieves the message and sends it to a transmitting station close to the recipient pager. Arch Wireless owns the transmitting stations. The City of Ontario, while having no official policy regarding text-messaging by use of its pagers, did not have a general policy regarding computer usage, internet and e-mail, and this policy is that â€Å"[t]he use of City-owned computers and all associated equipment, software, programs, networks, Internet, e-mail and other systems operating on these computers is limited to City of Ontario related business. The use of these tools for personal benefit is a significant violation of the City of Ontario Policy.† In addition, the City of Ontario reserved the right to review all Internet sites that the employees visited and log all e-mail and Internet use, with and without notice. Access to the Internet and e-mail was not confidential, and all information produced is considered City property. Appellant signed an â€Å"Employee Acknowledgement† in 2000 in which he acknowledged that he had read the company policy regarding computer usage, Internet and E-mail. On April 18, 2002, Appellant attended a meeting with

Integrate Coastal and Ocean Management (ICOM) Essay

Integrate Coastal and Ocean Management (ICOM) - Essay Example At sea, the acquisitiveness of the ocean itself accumulated with authoritative complexities and the about abridgement of acreage curve aftermath their own difficulties. In addition, coastal areas must address the issues, if the land meets the sea, such as erosion, flooding and pollution from agricultural runoff and the problems of access, including control platforms, operating the main means of transport between land and sea. An integral part of the challenge for coastal communities is that the resources are dependent on their social, cultural and economic well-being, fish and minerals in the coastal areas of countries and beaches, to apply a combination of jurisdictions, municipal, provincial and federal government and First Nations. Significant results of these learning experiences are more positive integration experience with other user group-based community resources, First Nations in the commercial fishery in the wake of the Marshall of the Supreme Court Decision. The other is a natural evolution away from the same sector management approaches for ICOM. Local communities must cope with all those in the use of local resources with municipalities on land based on land use with provincial governments for coastal activities, based on land, such as aquaculture, with the federal government on uses of the ocean fisheries to mining to shipping. All companies are faced with this multiplicity of jurisdictions and must also cope with First Nations otherwise again with different governments, based on realities treaty or lack thereof. There are two main peaks and this First implementation, it is important for communities and governments are able to monitor and evaluate the state of the relevant coastal States and marine systems, including biophysical and human dimension of how each of these change over time and their overall strength and flexibility. Secondly, the participation of coastal communities of ICOM, and the use of participatory approaches to management and co mmunity-based management, highlights the need to understand the process of the effectiveness and acceptance, a need to carry out a performance review "to assess the degree of ICOM that works in practice to a community or local level (or even usually). Monitoring of coastal and ocean: The first way of monitoring and evaluation based on results of ICOM, develop and use indicators to track current and relevant over time (a) "State of the World" in the oceans, coastal areas and coastal communities, and (b) progress towards the main objectives of ICOM, to facilitate the sustainable development of marine and coastal areas. Each of these aspects can be fabricated from a "macro" angle of a nation or region, but as well a bounded association that cannot be ignored (Boyd and Charles, 2006). The first class of indicators observed, "state of the world" distance indicators of biomass of fish in the sea and the extent of their geographic distribution, sea level based gross domestic profit (GDP) a nd export levels fisheries, measures the distribution of marine wealth and prosperity for coastal communities. Attended each of these indicators requires constant attention to data management and statistical systems, which can be a challenge at the local level. In fact, to support governance participatory democracy, we must (a) ICOM efforts to be attentive to strengthen and exploit the information on coastal

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Opinion for a case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Opinion for a case - Essay Example The City of Ontario received 22 pagers from Arch Wireless in late 2001 and 2002. The method by which the text message are sent are as follows: the text message leaves the originating pager through a radio frequency transmission, which is then received by any one of many receiving stations, owned by Arch Wireless. The message is then entered into the Arch Wireless computer network by wire transmission or satellite. Once the message is in the Arch Wireless computer network, it is then relayed to the Arch Wireless computer server, where it is archived and stored for up to 72 hours, until the receiving pager can receive the text message. Once the message is archived and delivered in an Arch Wireless service area, the recipient pager is ready to receive delivery, at which point the Arch Wireless server retrieves the message and sends it to a transmitting station close to the recipient pager. Arch Wireless owns the transmitting stations. The City of Ontario, while having no official policy regarding text-messaging by use of its pagers, did not have a general policy regarding computer usage, internet and e-mail, and this policy is that â€Å"[t]he use of City-owned computers and all associated equipment, software, programs, networks, Internet, e-mail and other systems operating on these computers is limited to City of Ontario related business. The use of these tools for personal benefit is a significant violation of the City of Ontario Policy.† In addition, the City of Ontario reserved the right to review all Internet sites that the employees visited and log all e-mail and Internet use, with and without notice. Access to the Internet and e-mail was not confidential, and all information produced is considered City property. Appellant signed an â€Å"Employee Acknowledgement† in 2000 in which he acknowledged that he had read the company policy regarding computer usage, Internet and E-mail. On April 18, 2002, Appellant attended a meeting with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why did two separate German states appear in 1949 Essay

Why did two separate German states appear in 1949 - Essay Example When one looks beyond the facts, the Cuban missile crisis was just more of the balance of powers between the US and the Soviet Union. It was entangled in the Berlin crisis and the Soviets had three underlying motives, none of which was to force a nuclear war. The first motive was to deter the US attack on Cuba, the second was to obtain leverage over the Berlin issue and the third was to undermine the US nuclear superiority in the balance of powers (Betts 1987, 110). Following the Second World War, the Soviet Union together with the US, Britain and France occupied Germany for reconstruction and stabilization purposes. Ultimately, the country was divided into two with the Soviet Union taking responsibilities for East Germany and the remaining World War II allies taken responsibility for West Germany. Neither side could agree on concessions and strategies and by 1961, the situation had escalated into what has been described as the Berlin Crisis (Stern 2005, 18). The power struggle between the US and the Soviet Union during the ongoing Cold War and the US’s nuclear and military superiority did not help. By 1961, Russian leader Nikita Krushchev vowed that when he met with US President J. F. Kennedy in June that year he would â€Å"push hard for concessions in Berlin and elsewhere† (Stern 2005, 18). Based on the facts and circumstances in which Krushchev made that statement, historians have taken the position that the Cuban Missile Crisis was no more than a ploy on the part of the Soviet Union to compel Western powers, particularly the US to accept the settlement of Germany, and Berlin in particular on its terms and conditions. The idea was to use â€Å"quick and dramatic means† for strengthening the Soviet Union’s military, diplomatic and psychological position on a number of geopolitical matters, particularly the German issue (Divine 1988, 135). The Soviet’s would claim however, that

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nurse Staffing Essay Example for Free

Nurse Staffing Essay Adequate nurse staffing for patient care has been a major difficulty in the health care system . Patients’ acuity continues to grow at a fast rate while hospitals continue to struggle with the adequate number for nurse-to-patient ratio, leaving nurses in a very difficult situation while trying to provide the best care possible to their patients. The low nurse-to-patients ratio can be remedied when public and private hospitals realize the negative impact on the outcome of care. This paper will try to point out the negative effects of low nurse-to-patient ratio has on outcome of care. Like other professions that continue to face obstacles, nursing has its own obstacles that it must face from time to time. The world population increases so will the obstacles that nursing will have to face, but good administration can be used to defend the work conditions under which nurses are forced to work. Many studies have been done to point out the problem, with a pile of evidence to support the need to alleviate the burden on the nurses but to no avail. A study conducted in the Chinese hospital by Zhu, You, et al. (2012). Nurse Staffing Levels Make a Difference on Patient Outcomes: A Multisite Study in Chinese Hospitals proved, â€Å"more nursing staff per patient had statistically significant positive effects on all necessary nursing care, nurses’ reports of quality of care, their confidence on patients’ self-care ability on discharge from hospital, patient adverse events, as well as patients’ report of satisfaction (Zhu, You, et al, 2012, p. 266)†. The study was composed of 181 hospitals across mainland China. The sample that was used was 31provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions with level 3 hospitals. To show the strength of the study, the researchers applied statistics to prove their results. As much as the hospitals may not see the need to improve on the nurse to patient problem, the evidence is there. It is something that must be dealt with because it is dangerous to both nurses and patients. Further studies were also conducted on the problem by Nantsupawat A, Srisuphan W, et al. (2011). Impact of nurse work Environment and Staffing on Hospital Nurse and Quality of care in Thailand. This study was to prove the impact of nursing staffing on the work environment, the cause of burnout and the impact on quality of care in Thailand. Research elements was secondary data analysis of 2007 Thai Nurse Survey. The study took place at 13 general and regional hospitals in Thailand using a â€Å"multistage sampling†. Nurses were asked demographic questions about themselves both general and regional hospitals. Results shown the ratio of patient to nurse was 10:1. Nurses who worked in hospitals with fair patient to nurse ratio had less burnout. The study has great significance in nursing practice and can be used as proof to show the impact of high patients to nurses ratio. It was found that nurses in Thailand work environment have high burnout and great dissatisfaction of nurses. Nurse to patient is very low with a total of 1:10 per shift. At times, a nurse ended-up having to care for more patients. The high patients to nurse ratio brought with it adverse outcomes on patients’ care and place the patients at high risk of occurrences such as: mistaken one patient for another, patient falls, medication errors, pressure ulcers, and urinary tract infection. Furthermore, in the study conducted by Cho, June, Kim, et al (2009). Nurse staffing, quality of nursing care and nurse job outcomes in intensive care units. This study measured the proportion number of patients to nurse. As per the authors of the article, â€Å"nurses were more likely to rate quality of care as high when they care for two or fewer patients (odd ratio, 3. 26; 95% confidence interval, 1. 14-9. 31) or 2. 0-2. 5 patients (odd ratios, 2. 44; 95% confidence interval, 1. 32-4. 52), compared with having more than three patients (Cho, June, Kim, et al,, 2009, p. 1729)†. The research use for its design a â€Å"cross-sectional study with survey. Its method included 1365 nurses from 65 intensive care units in 22 hospitals in Korea, using â€Å"A Multilevel logistic regression model†. Two indicators were used, which are the number of patients for each nurse on the ward and the way the staff viewed adequate staffing. The research took place in the ICU units. Hence, the study also reported that in table #4 in the Sole ICU, there were largest number of patient 2. 8 + or – 0. 4 ( Cho, June, Kim, et al, 2009, p. 1733)†. What is proven is that when the ratio of nurses increases and the patient’s one decreases, there is a higher quality of care that takes place on the unit. This study has great significance to nursing and patient care, because nurses here in the U.  S often have similar complaints. In addition, the study from Manojlovich Sidani (2007). Nurse Dose: What’s in a concept. This is a pathway that the authors believed could alleviate the problem of nurse to patient ratio. The study provided an understanding between the link of nursing care and outcome of care. As stated by Manojlovich Sidani (20097), â€Å"by clarifying the conceptual and operational definitions of nurse dose, we offer a unified view of the inter-relationships among variables, with the goal of advancing research on nurse staffing and patient outcome (p. 11)†. With this concept of â€Å"Nurse Dose† future nurse staffing may greatly improve. Furthermore, in the research conducted by Al-Kandari Thomas (2008). Perceived Adverse patient outcomes correlated to nurses’ workload in medical and surgical of selected hospitals in Kuwait. It is understood that the proportion of patient to nurse ratio plays a vital part on the outcomes of care. The study shown that there is clear correlation that exist between the work load of the nursing staff and the outcomes of care. The research elements utilized for this study was â€Å"across-sectional survey conducted between RNs on medical and surgical units in five governmental hospitals. The result shown three major faulty outcomes were reported by nurses from their previous shift which were patients’ complaints and family concerns. The limitation of this study reports were only from the nurses on the units and future researches would need further details (Al-kandari Thomas, 2007, p. 589). It is impossible for nurses to give adequate care and expect good outcomes when nurses are stocked with non-nursing tasks to do. It was found that patients and families and medication miss dose were the two primary outcomes that added on the nurses’ workload. Second, occurrences tend to increase on the units as the workload of the nurses increased, and non-nursing tasks heavily impacted the workload of the nurses in Kuwait. The study shown great relevance to nursing practice, because it shows that hospitals need to employ other people to carry out non-nursing duties on the unit such as clerical work; which would alleviate the workload from nurses responsibilities. Hence, the article Relationships between Registered Nurse Staffing, Processes of Nursing Care, and Nurse-Reported patient outcomes in Chronic Hemodialysis Units by Thomas- Hawkins, Flynn, Clarke (2008) shown the importance of a high nurse to patient ratio in hemodialysis units. The authors reported in hemodialysis units, â€Å"higher RN staffing levels have lower odds of experiencing skipped dialysis treatments (Hawkins-T, Flynn, Clarke, 2008, p. 124)†. The study shows that it is to the benefits of the patients when there is a higher nurse to patient ratio on hemodialysis units because, patient will less likely experience any untoward events that are associated with the side effects of hemodialysis therapy. The study utilized a â€Å"cross-sectional method† for data collection which focused on the hemodialysis patient population. The study demonstrated the importance of having a high nurse to patient ratio in dialysis units. The higher the nurses to patient ratio, the less occurrences the patients will experience during hemodialysis treatment. The research used a type of questionnaire in order to find the most accurate adverse events that took place in the dialysis units. The limitations of this study was conducted with nurses who belong to an organization, the adverse patients’ outcomes were gathered from the nurses’ reports. The findings from this research were as follow: the nurse staffing levels played a significant role on patients’ outcomes during treatment. The ratio between patients and nurses is high, and each nurse had a patient load that consisted of 12 patients and sometimes more. This study has very good relevance to nursing practice due the fact that it shed light on a particular unit because it is a specialized unit. The study also demonstrated the importance of having professional RNs to perform such duties. Nurse staffing levels and Nursing outcomes: A Bayesian analysis, of Finnish-registered nurse survey data by Tero-h, Kiviniemi, et al (2009). Journal of Nursing Management, 17, 986-993. This report pointed out the impact of high patients to nurse ratio have on the nurses and their performance on the unit. Therefore, it is inevitable this kind of nurse staffing would bring negative patients’ outcomes. The design of this study used a survey of date collection from RNs in 46 units at five hospitals. The study found that many elements were contributed to occurrences on the unit such as mortality, failure to rescue, had a very closed correlation to the number of patients to nurse ratio. The study relates significantly to nursing, because it displayed the stress levels that nurses experienced due to heavy patient load assignment. Macphee, Ellis, McCutcheon (2005). Nurse Staffing and patient Safety. The Canadian Health Services Research foundation. This article brought up evidences of events that may occur in relation to lower nurse patient ratio. It is evident that with a lower nurse to patient ratio, patients are at greater risk of adverse outcomes such as increased rate of mortality, nosocomial infections. It is also proven that with a higher nurse to patient ratio, incidents can be greatly reduced. The study utilized sets of data collected from other researches. No specific population group was chosen for this research but the impact of having high patient to nurse ratio were strongly presented. The article displayed its use to the nursing practice with enough substantial facts. Ke-p. (2003) Relationships between Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes. Journal of Nursing Research, 11(3). The study was conducted on a medical –surgical unit in Taiwan with analyzed data from a â€Å"descriptive and multivariate inferential statistics†. The rational of this study was to demonstrate the co-relation that exised between high patients to nurse ratio and its impact on patient care outcomes. The results of this study were astounding. It was found that acquired infections, falls, pressure ulcers were the outcome results of inappropriate nurse to patient ratio. This study definitely has very good relevance to nursing practice. Curtin L. (2003). An Integrated Analysis of Nurse Staffing and Related Variables: Effect on Patient Outcomes. Online Journal of Issues in nursing, 8(3), 10913734. In this his study, the author shows a good co-relation between nurse staffing and the outcomes of care on medical patients. He also pointed out an increase in nurse staffing, that was associated with a reduction of 3 to 12 % in occurrences on the hospitals units. (Curtin, 2003). Here again it shows that the greater is the nurse to patient ratio, the better the outcome. Although, this study did not use a specific design, but the analysis it used shows the importance of having a low patient to nurse ratio. Therefore, it is vital for the hospitals to realize the great pain that are imposed on patients and nurses. It is time to remedy the problem. Aiken L. (2010). Safety In numbers: A mandatory minimum nurse to patient ratio improves outcome. Nursing Standard, 24(44). The author reported, â€Å"International Hospital Outcomes Study revealed that in England and the United States, hospitals with higher nurse staffing levels had lower mortality rates, nurse job dissatisfaction and burnout (Aiken, 2010, p. 2)†. The study was conducted in five different countries which survey 22,000 RNs in 604 hospitals in California, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. It was found that nurse in California and the two other states that are closed to California with similar staffing mandatory rules had decreased their workload subsequently providing better care. Duffield C, et al. (2010). Staffing, Skill mix and the model of care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 2242-2251 dio: 10. 1111/j. 1365-2702. 2010. 03225. The study design was based on secondary analysis collection of data on selected medical/surgical units in 19 hospitals in South Wales, Australia. The experienced nurses worked during the night while the least experienced nurses worked day or evening shift. The limitation of this study was that skill mix RNs was beneficial to outcomes, but the number of years of experience on a unit were not studied. (Duffield, et al, 2010, pp. 2246, 2249)†. The relevance of this study to nursing was that it shows how a unit can benefit from having different levels of experienced skill nurses give care to patients. Sidani S, Manojlovich M, Covell C. (2010). Nurse Dose: Validation and Refinement of a Concept. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An international Journal, 24(3), dio: 10. 1891/154-6577. 24. 3. 159. The study used â€Å"Anonexperrimental, modified survey† a questionnaire was used with four sections that participants used to answer the questions. The targeted population was nurse researchers who are experts in services related to healthcare (p. 163)†. The result of this study shows how important it is for nurses to spend time with their patients to bring an effective outcome. The study shows great significance of this study in nursing. Welton JM. 2007). Mandatory hospital nurse to patient staffing ratios: Time to take a different approach. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3). (13p) (52 ref) This article did not show a specific design that was used. The article stressed another component of the problem, the fact that hospitals are being pressured to increase their staffing without any reimbursement. The article presented two arguments one for and the other against the problem. As a result, hospitals diminished their staff from other area which helped them to compensate for the deficit. Although the acuity of patients continue to rise, hospitals failed to increase nurse to patient levels to enable good outcomes. Currie V, Gill V, et al. (2005). Relationship between quality of care, staffing levels, skill mix and nurse autonomy: Literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51(1) 73-82. Using a â€Å"cross-sectional analysis design and magnet hospitals, the article poke through between the problem of patient to nurse ratio and the level of occurrences such as, mortality and failure to rescue. The findings were that units with higher nurse to patient ratio experienced lower occurrences. Yes, the article did prove its significance into nursing and patient care. In conclusion, studies are not always conclusive on a particular problem or issue. Further studies are often needed to shed new light on the problem. Hospitals have their parts to play in order to bring a higher nurse to patient ratio to fruition. It still remains that nurses have the responsibility to provide safe and effective nursing care to their patients, regardless of the environment. As a reminder, nursing is a humanistic profession, and its aim has always and will continue to focus on human needs, without regard to ratios. Nonetheless, nurses own it to themselves to be steadfast and never to soften their stand on their demands. Nurses to patient ratio is of utmost importance in the health care and patient outcomes depend on safe nursing staff. It is undeniably true that most professions are facing their own obstacles, and nursing is no different. Nursing has its own obstacles that it has been fighting and must continue to fight for, but a higher nurse to patient ratio is a must win fight, because the end result will be good patients’ care.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hide and Seek by Vernon Scannell and Half Past Two by U.A. Fanthorpe Es

"Hide and Seek" by Vernon Scannell and "Half Past Two" by U.A. Fanthorpe Task: Compare two poems of the same theme in detail. In this essay I will be looking at two poems, which are similar in theme and discussing their similarities. I will be using the poems "Hide and Seek" by Vernon Scannell and "Half Past Two" by U A Fanthorpe. These poems are similar to each other because their main theme is growing up, as the poems are set in the mind of a child. The first poem called "Hide and Seek" by Vernon Scannell is an unusual poem as it takes a lot of imagination to fully understand the poem. The title of the poem suggests that the story is about a childish game but this is from an adult's point of view as this poem is set in a child's mind and so this simple game is a terrifying experience to the child. The opening to the poem starts with the frantic, short words "Call out. Call loud: 'I am ready! Come and find me!'" This sentence is short and sharp to show the tension and excitement of the hide and seek game, as there are three sentences (although not full sentences) to one line. This technique is used to build tension within the poem as making the sentences short and sharp increases the pace of the poem to make the reader more excited and anxious as to what is going to happen. The poet uses this to build an atmosphere of anxiety at the beginning of the poem so that the poem is rushed straight to an exciting sentence without the build up. This alerts the readers and makes them want to read on. The next sentence uses a lot of alliteration within the sentence. The sentence states "The sacks in the tool shed smell like the seaside". This sentence, when said aloud, gives a lot of sounds which sound lik... ...ader imagine this weird place which the poet is trying to describe and makes the reader imagine that he or she is in this place. In comparison of the two poems, I can clearly say that both poems are very alike. They are both targeted to an older audience so that they can be the modern child as most people of an older age are curious as to what it is like and would like to step in the child's shoes. Both the poems are also told from the child's view so that the reader gets to know more about the child. The poems also both use personification because at such a young age many simple objects can come alive really easily as the modern child has a wide imagination and can, if he or she wants to, make simple things come alive. Therefore, in conclusion, I can say that these poems both have the same theme, which is growing up and coping with growing up. Hide and Seek by Vernon Scannell and Half Past Two by U.A. Fanthorpe Es "Hide and Seek" by Vernon Scannell and "Half Past Two" by U.A. Fanthorpe Task: Compare two poems of the same theme in detail. In this essay I will be looking at two poems, which are similar in theme and discussing their similarities. I will be using the poems "Hide and Seek" by Vernon Scannell and "Half Past Two" by U A Fanthorpe. These poems are similar to each other because their main theme is growing up, as the poems are set in the mind of a child. The first poem called "Hide and Seek" by Vernon Scannell is an unusual poem as it takes a lot of imagination to fully understand the poem. The title of the poem suggests that the story is about a childish game but this is from an adult's point of view as this poem is set in a child's mind and so this simple game is a terrifying experience to the child. The opening to the poem starts with the frantic, short words "Call out. Call loud: 'I am ready! Come and find me!'" This sentence is short and sharp to show the tension and excitement of the hide and seek game, as there are three sentences (although not full sentences) to one line. This technique is used to build tension within the poem as making the sentences short and sharp increases the pace of the poem to make the reader more excited and anxious as to what is going to happen. The poet uses this to build an atmosphere of anxiety at the beginning of the poem so that the poem is rushed straight to an exciting sentence without the build up. This alerts the readers and makes them want to read on. The next sentence uses a lot of alliteration within the sentence. The sentence states "The sacks in the tool shed smell like the seaside". This sentence, when said aloud, gives a lot of sounds which sound lik... ...ader imagine this weird place which the poet is trying to describe and makes the reader imagine that he or she is in this place. In comparison of the two poems, I can clearly say that both poems are very alike. They are both targeted to an older audience so that they can be the modern child as most people of an older age are curious as to what it is like and would like to step in the child's shoes. Both the poems are also told from the child's view so that the reader gets to know more about the child. The poems also both use personification because at such a young age many simple objects can come alive really easily as the modern child has a wide imagination and can, if he or she wants to, make simple things come alive. Therefore, in conclusion, I can say that these poems both have the same theme, which is growing up and coping with growing up.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Urban Transportation :: essays research papers

The development of urban transportation has not changed with the cities; cities have changed with transportation. In the early years of transportation it was the mass transit of horse and buggies or electric rail cars that shaped cities. Then as the automobile became affordable to the public, personal transportation redefined the city as it was known. It is the automobile and the movement to the suburbs that has public transportation struggling to make money today. The very first transportation was with the horse. Then someone came up with the idea to pair a horse up with a buggy. Now four to six people could be carried at one time. These horse and buggies began to be common sight in cities and public transportation was born. Before the horse and buggy people were confined to the distance they could walk, so cities could not grow much. People lived in the central business district because that is where they worked. Now with the simple horse and buggy, people that can afford the transportation can move a mile or two out of the central city (Guathier 174).The big explosion of growth and increased ridership came at the turn of the century. The cause of this explosion was the electric streetcars that were installed in many cities. Whichever direction the rail lines were laid down and the streetcar moved, people began building their homes in that direction. The automobile was just getting its beginning and people were depending on public transportation to get them to work. As the streetcar's tracks expanded east and west, the city's population shifted that way as well. People did not need to be in walking distance of their workplace anymore, but in walking distance of the nearest pickup point of the streetcars (Guathier 175). As streetcars increased their length of lines and service, the public increased their choices of residential locations. People with higher incomes were able to move out of the central part of cities and into outer areas (Guathier 174). This also fostered the concentration of different ethnic groups within separate neighborhoods (Guathier 175). This separation reversed the intermingling that had been taking place during the late 1800's between various economic groups and the different ethnic groups in the cities. Social stratification and sorting of different groups throughout the city was rapidly increased thanks to the streetcar spreading out the cities (Guathier 175).As cities spread out in the early 1900's, railroads developed interurban and suburban railroad to connect the outlying areas of the city.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Are parents to stick on their kids?

Today I am here to share with you about the loss of my beloved daughter, Juliet. As a father myself, I will be sharing the many mistakes I have made while raising Juliet, hoping you will be able to learn from my past experiences and not make the same mistakes I have already made. One of the biggest mistakes I made as a father is not giving Juliet the freedom she deserved. As parents, we want the best for our children as we want to ensure their safety.However, we tend to forget that they're growing up and we take away their hoicks and rights as we think we know what's best for them. An example of this would be when I threatened Juliet with eviction and portended to disown her if she didn't marry Paris that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn't get married to Paris. This was a very unreasonable and harsh decision I made, as I will regret this for the rest of my life as it will lead her to rebel and do things behind my back. If I had Just given her the freedom she deserved, things may not have ended up the way It has.One of the biggest mistakes I made as a father Is not giving Juliet the freedom she didn't marry Pans that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn't get married it has. Didn't marry Paris that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn't get married it has. Greetings to all. As you might be familiar already, I am Lord Caplet. Today I am here to share with you about the loss of my beloved daughter, Juliet. As a father myself, I will be sharing the many mistakes I have made while raising Juliet, hoping you will be able to learn from my past experiences and not make the same mistakes I have already made.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sprint Swot Paper

Sprint Nextel Corporation SWOT Analysis Edgardo L. Cartagena Luna Management 521 University of Phoenix February 14, 2013 Sprint Nextel Corporation SWOT Analysis Background Sprint Nextel Corporation (Sprint) is a communications company. The company provides a range of wireless and wireline communications products and services to individual consumers, businesses, government subscribers and resellers. It provides wireless services on a postpaid and prepaid basis to retail subscribers and also on a wholesale and affiliate basis.The company markets its postpaid services under the Sprint and Nextel brands, and prepaid services under the Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile, and Assurance Wireless brands. The company offers its services through wireless networks, an all-digital global long distance network and a Tier 1 Internet backbone. (www. alacrastore. com, 2013) Mission Sprint’s mission is to be number one in providing a simple, instant, enriching and productive customer experience. (Spr int Nextel Corporation, 2013). VisionSprint’s vision is to be a world class company, with standards by which others are measured, including a commitment to developing a world class supplier base that is reflective of the communities we serve. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). History Sprint's red diamond logo represented the combined achievements of many legendary predecessors, including United Telecommunications, US Sprint and Centel. Each embraced the same bold approach that Sprint's founder Cleyson Brown showed in 1899, when the Brown Telephone Company successfully went toe-to-toe with the Bell monopoly in Abilene, Kansas.By the mid-1970s, the company's aggressive growth strategies had firmly established it as the nation's largest independent local telephone provider. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). During the 1980s Sprint led all U. S. telecom companies by completing the first nationwide, 100% digital, fiber-optic network. It was The Company that gave America pin-drop clarity and also became a global leader in voice and data services during the early 90s. Sprint took its wireless strategy a big step further in the late '90s by building the only nationwide PCS network in the U. S.Meanwhile, a visionary entrepreneur named Morgan O’Brien founded a company called Fleet Net in 1987. This company was renamed Nextel in 1993 and rapidly established itself as a nationwide force in the burgeoning world of wireless communications. In September 1996, the company introduced Motorola's breakthrough iDEN technology. This marked the first combination of enhanced digital cellular, two-way radio and text/numeric paging in one phone – the famed Nextel phone. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). By 2005 the company was launched as Sprint Nextel Corporation after a merge done between the two, Sprint Corporation and Nextel Corporation.Both companies with proven records of successful achievements were brought together to continue opening new doors for cust omers and the industry. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). Stakeholders A stakeholder is defined as a party that has an interest in an enterprise or project. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, customers and suppliers. However, modern theory goes beyond this conventional notion to embrace additional stakeholders such as the community, government and trade associations. (www. investopidia. com, 2013).Going forward in the discussion let’s take a look on Sprints Internal and External stakeholders. External Stakeholders Sprint engages a broad range of Non Government Organizations (NGOs) that have experience on specific issues such as green electronics, paper certification, e-waste, human rights and scope 3-emissions measurement. Each Corporate Responsibility working committee seeks to establish relationships with one to three NGOs and/or investor stakeholders for dialog on the related issue as well as strategy, proposed policy, measurem ent and reporting.These relationships have been invaluable and have resulted in more knowledgeable team members on the working committees and stronger, more comprehensive policies that incorporate the perspective of stakeholder partners. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). Internal Stakeholders Sprint uses a multi-tier Corporate Responsibility (CR) Governance Model that effectively incorporates all levels of the employees, ensures tight linkage with their operations and strategy, and drives accountability for performance against their CR operating priorities and long-term goals.The structure includes the CR Steering Committee, chaired by CEO Dan Hesse; the CR Leadership Committee, chaired by Ralph Reid, vice president of Corporate Responsibility; an External CR Stakeholder Panel; CR working committees; and a CR scorecard. The CR Steering Committee provides periodic updates to the Sprint Board of Directors about Sprint's ongoing efforts in the area of social responsibility and environ mental sustainability. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). SWOT Analysis Strength One of Sprint strengths is their Average Revenue Per Unit (ARPU).The company has the higher ARPU within the three largest telecommunication companies in the U. S. An advantage of 2. 6% and 2. 1% increase over AT and Verizon’s ARPUs respectively, from 2010 to 2011, put Sprint finishing the 2011 fiscal year with a $57. 3 ARPU. These results came with new strategic plans implemented to acquire the rights to offer the Apple’s iconic models of smart phones the well known Iphones. Also in the postpaid, by the second quarter of 2012 ARPU increased to $63. 4 thanks to a $10 premium data add on charge established to all smart phones.The increase has been registered as the best ever Sprint platform postpaid ARPU as well as the best record for any major wireless company in the U. S. (â€Å"Company Profile Sprint Nextel Corporation,† 2012) Weakness Churn rates are one of the Sprint weaknesses. These rates are the percentage of subscribers to the services that discontinue their subscription in a given time period. (Investopedia, 2013). Sprint being a significant company in the U. S. wireless communications market ended in 2011 with 55 million wireless subscribers of which 33 million are postpaid and 14. million are prepaid subscribers and 7. 2 million are wholesale and affiliates subscribers. (â€Å"Company Profile Sprint Nextel Corporation,† 2012). During four straight years (2008-2011) Sprint lost about 8. 6 million postpaid subscribers while AT and Verizon took advantage and increased their respective subscriber based. Churn rates for Sprint where 0. 48% over AT and in comparison with Verizon came up to 0. 59% over by 2011 fiscal year. This represents to investors and public that there are some issues with services, devices or networks that make them difficult to retain customers. â€Å"Company Profile Sprint Nextel Corporation,† 2012) Oportunity In this i ndustry there is always a need to improve coverage, data speeds, voice quality and to find the most efficient way of doing that. Sprint has a plan of implementing a network called Sprint Vision. This modern network will have the flexibility to manage multiple technologies in just one network. One of the primary causes for Sprints lack of growth is precisely the operation of two different networks, the formerly Sprints network and the Nextel’s IDEN network.This plan will integrate this two network technologies into one low operating cost network with more efficient ways of delivering what customers expect. (â€Å"Company Profile Sprint Nextel Corporation,† 2012) Threat In the last couple of years we have seen smartphones are made with more technology and features. These technologies make them more expensive to companies and customers. Most telecommunications companies subsidies the cost of this devices in order to make them more affordable to consumers who subscribes to their services.This is considerate a threat for Sprint because it could put at risk the balance of growth and profitability. For example, during 2011 Iphones penetration and other new devices helped Sprints revenue to increase 8% or $208 millions in comparison to 2010 fiscal year. In the mean time during the same time period equipment subsidies increased 16% or $1. 1 billion. (â€Å"Company Profile Sprint Nextel Corporation,† 2010) Conclusion After 114 years of history, Sprint has proven to be an innovative company and a leader in the telecommunications industry.It is a company with corporate responsibility compromise that conducts businesses in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. It’s based on the premise that a company is much more than the products and services it sells. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). Sprint has great possibilities to succeed in today’s market environment and increase their profitability. By using what they have learned fr om his strengths, they can set the phase to reach their goals. When we looked at the Average Revenue Per Unit they have been making, it can be established that Sprint can be more profitable than its competitors.If it can be done once it can be done every time. Even though, Churn rates weaknesses Sprint credibility to maintain its subscribers, during 2012, Sprint reported the lowest churn rates ever at 1. 7%. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). Customer service experience has increased also to best ever levels. Also the line of devices like the Iphone is helping to keep customers happy and loyal. (Sprint Nextel Corporation, 2013). Sprint Vision network will help to . reduce cost of operations of the company and will provide customers with better services.Customers should be happier and more satisfied with Sprint products and services. Profitability will also be less affected by devices subsidies since network operations will be more cost efficient. After analyzing all the information gathered, it look that might be a bright future for Sprint Nextel Corporation. References Company Profile Sprint Nextel Corporation. (2012, August 10). MarketLine, 24-29. doi:8613378D-5CF0-49B7-93F8-346EE511D261 Sprint Nextel Corporation (2013). History. Retrieved from http://www. sprint. com/companyinfo/history/ Sprint Nextel Corporation. (2013). Corporate Responsibility GovernanceModel. Retrieved from http://www. sprint. com/responsibility/approach/cr-governance. html www. alacrastore. com. (2013, January). Sprint Nextel Corporation (S) – Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review. Retrieved from http://www. alacrastore. com/storecontent/GlobalData_Company_Reports-Sprint_Nextel_Corporation_S_Financial_and_Strategic_SWOT_Analysis_Review-2087-25542 Investopedia. (2013). Stakeholder. Retrieved from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/s/stakeholder Investopedia. (2013). Churn Rates. Retrieved from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/c/churnrate. asp#axzz2KsiBeGpW

Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 12

12.Alchemy The Chinese herb shop smelled like licorice and dried monkey butt. The Animals were piled into the narrow aisle between counters, trying to hide behind Troy Lee's grandmother and failing spectacularly. Behind a glass case, the shopkeeper looked older and more spooky than Grandma Lee, which none of them thought possible until now. It was like he'd been carved from an apple, then left on the windowsill to dry for a hundred years. The walls of the shop were lined, floor to ceiling, with little drawers of dark wood, each with a small bronze frame and a white card with Chinese characters written on it. The old man stood behind glass cases that held all manner of desiccated plant and animal bits, from whole sea horses and tiny birds, to shark parts and scorpion tails, to odd spiky bits that looked like they'd been flown in from another planet. â€Å"What's that?† Drew asked Troy Lee from under a veil of stringy blond hair. He pointed to a wrinkled black thing. Troy Lee said something in Cantonese to Grandma, who said something to the shopkeeper, who barked something back. â€Å"Bear penis,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"Should we score some?† asked Drew. â€Å"For what?† asked Troy. â€Å"An emergency,† said Drew. â€Å"Sure, okay,† said Troy Lee, then he said something to Grandma in Cantonese. There was an exchange with the shopkeeper, after which Troy said, â€Å"How much do you want? It's fifty bucks a gram.† â€Å"Whoa,† said Barry. â€Å"That's expensive.† â€Å"He says it's the best dried bear penis you can buy,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"Okay,† said Drew. â€Å"A gram.† Troy passed the order through Grandma to the shopkeeper. He snipped a tip off a bear penis, weighed it, and placed it on the pile of herbs in the sheet of paper he had laid on the counter for Drew. Grandma's paper was much larger, and the shopkeeper had been tottering around the shop for half an hour gathering the ingredients. At one point when the old man was up on the top of the ladder at the far back corner of the shop, the Animals had leapt the counter and laced their arms together as a human rescue net, which served only to scare the bejeezus out of the shopkeeper and set Grandma off in a tirade of Cantonese scolding, to which they all responded like dogs, paying her rapt attention and tilting their heads as if they actually had some idea of what the fuck she was talking about. Lately the Animals had been all about saving lives. Most of the time, guys their age would be fairly convinced of their immortality, or at least oblivious of their mortality, but since being murdered by a blue hooker turned vampire, then resurrected as vampires, then restored to living by Foo Dog's genetic alchemy, they had been feeling what they could only describe as Jesusy. â€Å"I'm feeling extra Jesusy,† said Jeff, the tall jock. â€Å"I always feel extra Jesusy,† said Clint, who always did. â€Å"Yeah, extra Jesusy, bitches! Let's go save some mother-fuckers!† Lash had shouted, which had sort of embarrassed everyone a little, since they had been sitting around a table in Starbucks at the time, discussing the attack of the cat cloud and the information they'd exchanged with the two homicide cops. â€Å"It's up to us,† Lash added softly, sort of slinking into his hoody and putting on his shades. Now they watched as the old shopkeeper folded up Grandma Lee's bundle of ingredients and tucked in the paper so it was as tight as a toothpick spliff, then flipped the package over and wrote some Chinese characters on the back with a carpenter's pencil. â€Å"What's it say?† Barry asked Troy Lee. â€Å"It says, ‘vampire cat remedy.'† â€Å"No shit?† â€Å"Yeah. Then there's a bunch of warnings about side effects.† An hour later they were sitting around the Lee kitchen table, waiting for the big twenty-quart soup pot on the stove to come to a boil. Grandma Lee rose from her chair and tottered over to the stove with her package of herbs. Troy Lee joined her, helped her unwrap the package, and held the paper away from the burner as she scooped handfuls of herbs and animal parts into the boiling water. Foul and magical fumes bubbled out of the kettle, like the flatulence of dragons on a demon-only diet. â€Å"This really going to work, Grandma?† Troy Lee asked in Cantonese. â€Å"Oh yeah. We used it when I was a girl in China and some vampire cats invaded the city.† â€Å"And they still have the recipe in a shop down on Stockton Street?† â€Å"It's a good recipe.† She scooped the last of the package into the water. â€Å"How do you use this stuff, anyway?† â€Å"With firecrackers.† â€Å"It's wet, how are you going to use firecrackers?† â€Å"I don't know how, I just like firecrackers.† The Animals covered their noses and started filing out of the kitchen. â€Å"That smells like fermented skunk ass,† said Jeff. Grandma said something in Cantonese, followed by â€Å"My bitches,† pronounced in frighteningly accentless English. â€Å"What? What'd she say?† asked Jeff. â€Å"She says, ‘That's how you know it's a good recipe, gents,'† said Troy Lee. THE EMPEROR A dark basement. A thousand sleeping vampire cats. One formerly human vampire. One huge, shaved vampire-cat hybrid. Five matches left. No way out. A half hour, maybe less, until sundown. The Emperor was not a man to use profanity, but after he assessed his situation and burned his fingers with his fourth to last match, he said, â€Å"Well, this blows.† There was no helping it, sometimes a man, even a brave and noble man, must speak the harsh truth, and his situation, did, indeed, blow. He'd tried everything he could think of to escape the basement, from building a stairway to the window with empty fifty-five-gallon drums, to screaming for help like a man on fire, but even on a platform of oil drums he couldn't find the leverage or the strength to move the Dumpster away from the window. He could hear Bummer and Lazarus whimpering outside in the alley. All the other windows had been bricked up, all the steel fire doors were bolted, and, of course, the elevators and cables were long gone from the shafts (which he'd discovered after an hour prying the doors open with a metal support bar he'd taken off one of the shelves where Tommy Flood lay curled up with the Chet-thing). A dusty spray of twilight filtered down the elevator shaft from somewhere above, and it was by this that the Emperor ascertained that there was no way to climb the shaft, and that now it was dangerously close to sundown, as the light had turned a dim orange color. He would fight, oh yes, he would not go down without a battle, but even the magnificently agile little swordsman had gone down to the attacking pounce of cats. What chance did he stand in the dark with only a metal bar? He'd already checked the empty oil drums for accelerants, hoping he might burn his enemies before they awakened, but he'd had no luck. The barrels had had dry goods or something solid in them, and even so, he wasn't sure how he'd avoid being suffocated by burning cat fumes. Then, in thinking about how he might escape the flames, it occurred to him how he might escape. He made his way back to the storeroom where Chet and Tommy lay, and lit one of his precious matches to get his bearings. Yes, there was still a bolt on the door, and in addition there were enough barrels and shelves to construct a barricade beyond that. The match went out and he felt his way across the room until he touched Tommy's back-cold flesh. He took his ex-friend under the armpits and dragged him off the shelf and across the room, bumping through the door-way as he went. He shoved the body to the side and cringed with the crunch it made, falling onto the immobile bodies of dead cats. Back through dark, feeling around until he found Chet's fur. He felt for what he thought were the front paws, then backed across the room again, the huge shaved vampire cat in tow. Chet was lighter than Tommy had been, but not by much, and the Emperor was winded. He couldn't afford to sit. The ray of light in the elevator shaft had gone deep red. He heard Bummer let out a ruff beyond the window. â€Å"Run, men, away! Go away from this place. I'll find you in the morning. Go!† He never raised his voice to the men, even when they were in peril, and he heard Lazarus whimper at his command, but then the sound of Bummer growling while being dragged away by the scruff of his neck. He would get the message after a block or so. The men were safe. He pulled the metal door shut, then yanked on it until he heard a click. Then spent the second to the last of his matches looking at the simple bolt, and taking a last look around the room, trying to memorize the layout of the barrels and shelves that he would have to move in the dark. As the match burned out, he heard stirring in the room outside. There was a rack of metal shelves to the right of the door. He grabbed them and overturned them in the doorway. Yes, the door opened out, but what could it hurt. The more he put between himself and the vampire cats, the better. He scooped up armloads of the clothing at his feet and tossed them over the shelves, then backed across the room, throwing everything he touched in front of him, as if he were tunneling out the other side. Finally, he crawled up in the heavy shelf where Tommy and Chet had been and crouched, facing the door. He felt for the handle of the kitchen knife that he'd tucked in his belt at the small of his back, drew it, and held it before him. There were distinct cat noises-yowls, hisses, and meows, coming from the room outside. They were awake, up, and moving. There was a tentative scratch at the door, then a whirr of scratching, like someone had turned a power sander on outside, then it stopped as quickly as it had started and all he could hear was his own breathing. No. There was movement. The slight rustle of cloth, then a low, trilling purr. And it was coming from inside the door, he was sure of it. The Emperor clamped the knife in his teeth and lit his last match. The room was as he thought it would be, a pile of debris and barrels, but swirling out from under shelving in front of the door was a layer of mist, moving across the floor toward him, undulating in tiny waves that approximated the sound of a purr.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Organisational design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Organisational design - Essay Example Noncompetitive businesses and institutions such as government controlled administrations mostly thrive on centralised structures. The managers need to consider if they want to achieve the same results where they follow a rigid work routine then they can comfortably rely on a centralised control system. However, if they seek to get the competitive edge, especially if they are in the technology business, then they need to give more autonomy to respective departments and teams. â€Å"†¦a routine technology and a stable environment all tend to be associated with organizations that have greater formalization, specialization and centralisation† (Daft, Murphy, & Willmott, 2010, p. 26) If the managers are in a business that feeds on creative ideas then they need to make their departments autonomous. The tech industry is a prominent example of highly decentralised model because the more innovative and creative their ideas the better their competitive edge. Comparing a government operated tax department with a highly mobilized and competitive firm such as Apple or Samsung would reveal a centralised versus a decentralised business structure. The government department needs to be centralised while tech companies perform better when they are decentralised. Taking the same example a step further where marketing and TV commercials are made for any business. The process needs to be highly decentralised for the initiation of innovative ideas and creative pitch for customers. One thing that bears prime importance in this whole debate is that there are no black and white areas when the managers make a decision. Many organizations usually step on gray areas where there exists a mix of centralised and decentralised chain of command. In fact, decentralised structure poses a paradox for the managers. Giving too much autonomy to a department can be detrimental for the ultimate organizational goals. The head of the business cannot lose control